Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Importance of Teamwork

Why is it that some people just love being on a team, and others hate it the most?

Some people prefer working alone, mainly because it is hard to get an unanimous decision from a large group of people. The chances of there being disharmony in the team is also higher. Therefore, some people think working alone is better.

Others like to work with a team...or so they say. A few of them own the team like an accessory, to prove that they're the boss. They take pleasure in ordering people around, telling them what to do. These people probably have been bossed around once too much in their past, and they're trying to make up to it by ordering others around.

The rest of the people work on teams, doing their best to contribute and make a difference. They act as equals, no one has a higher position, and if they do, they just treat it as a sort of title, irrelevant to their responsibility.

The good parts of being on a team is that everyone has to agree together on everything, so it is harder to let one person pull the whole team down, for there will be that someone who steps up to change.

So...it's up to you... team or no team?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Believe you were born for greatness

Everyone is here on this earth for a reason. Is the reason great or not? Depends on you.

Some people like Einstein and Newton are born into this world without a single hint of meaning in their life. They find i themselves.

Other people know they are here for a purpose, and the purpose comes to them as they go through life.

How about you? Do you have any clue what your purpose here is? Maybe it is to be a world-inspiring leader, or a person who does little deeds to make this world a better place?
You could be the light in darkness, or the darkness in light.

Just remember, you were born for greatness. Remember the caterpillars and look at what they can be.

The 'CAMP'

Yesterday we had a single-day 'camp' at our house. Nope, no one slept over, my dad just held this miniature version of a CV gathering/course, and my classmates all attended it.

The first thing we did in the morning was the usual CV dance songs. After the song, my friend said to me: " Now I know why you're such a wierdo. I hate this stuff". I didn't take it personally, I just shrugged it off, since it was gurantedd she'd enjoy it by the end of the day.

Then my dad told them about the FOUR agreements:

Be impeccable with your words

Don't take things personally

Do not make assumptions

Do your best.

Then he taught us how to apply it in our lives. He also shared about a little exercise, to cool down 5 seconds before getting angry, and he also showed them the effect of bad words to the water in us.

Then we did some group sharings about the people who empowered us the most. I realized that all of the sharings are based on academics and school sports. SO all you teachers out there, know that you have an impact on your students.

Each person got to choose a representative from their team to talk. Then my dad got us to dance, but no one actually wanted to. REALLY surprisingly, one of our teachers stepped out to dance! After that, everyone started dancing too.

After that, we had an 18 legged race. Each team stood in a row, and all our legs got tied up together. Our main goal was to reach three posts and collect the objects there. Saying it from my experience, my team had GREEN greens, one focused on winning, one focused on arguing with the previous green. Then it was a bunch of blues and tans all the way down the row. Oh, and our legs got terribly hurt. OUch. But I could say we enjoyed the process as we sang some songs along the way. It was funny and enjoyable, come to think of it.

I really really want to give the team that got there first (we got there last) extra credit. Although it really seemed unfair that it looked like they got their legs tied loosely, they were really coordinated. I admit I was really unhappy with that fact and the teachers were barreling on about the fact that we were complaining about the other team. Okay, so as I was saying, I really think that team was great. The apple greens were practically leading the mini greens! The team leader, a WBG apple green, was really good. He got the whole team coordinated. Then, another team player, an apple green as well, kept on nudging the captain to let them rest. They stood there for five seconds, counting down 5...4...3...2...1... and they went on, counting the rythmm of ther footsteps as they went. I really think that group deserved it.

After that we did another group sharing. All of the sharings I heard were...unexpected from my classmates. I really saw a new side of them!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Nothing wrong with being young

All kids look forward to growing up. But when they get to the age they wanted to be, they want to go back. Sigh...
That's all just a waste of time. If you're young enjoy it, and do what you can to help the world and build the future. If you have already gone past the young age, teach youngsters and learn yourself too!
Did you know that if you think you're too old/too young, it really makes you like that?
So SHIFT the thought, and you will be the age you are...at heart!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Life IS one big experiment, vital to all of us. Experiments fail and succeed, depending on the experimenter.

Of course the more experiments we make, the more ground we cover. That way, we gain experience and know what works with what, and which mixture creates an explosion.

Whatever experiment you make, you gainfrom it, no matter what the product. So, dare to step out of your comfort zone, only testing magnetic forces instead of trying out the study of space? Explore your life...the sky's the limit!

Don't let the sun go down with anger still around

My dad got a jar of little paper strips of advice from the Cv auction, and I picked one out...

It said: Don't let the sun go down with anger still around.

What does that mean?

Anger has never been an empowering thing since the beginning of mankind, because it sends out negative rays of energy. So what would the world be like if everyone was angry at the same time, even for one second. it will be the end of the world as we know it. Ouch.

So, what we can do is to shift the bad anger to good forgivance, to others and yourself...make the world better,starting now.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


being open to (new) opportunities
At one point in time i was really getting sick and tired of eating sushi because we kept eating there OVER and OVER again.So one day, Joan, dad and i went out for lunch and was trying do decide where to eat. I can distinctively remember my reluctance to eat ANY sushi, but i actually remember giving in without much of a fight. after settling in, i saw one of my best friends walk into the restaurant. I was in complete shock, firstly because he was leaving Brunei and spent his last school day that Friday, and secondly because i thought he was already in Australia. It was definitely a miracle as that very Friday didn't get to say goodbye to him due to my DOE community service happening at the same time as his farewell party and i am VERY grateful that i agreed to eat sushi. That day i learnt to be more open to any opportunity that could come my way.
by Brian Tan