Saturday, December 17, 2011

Identity crisis

I was reading an article about e-dentity crisis. E-dentity crisis is the split personalities people have online on different sites. For me, E-dentity crisis is true. On Blogger, I sound different than I do on Youtube. I sound different on Tumblr compared to Facebook. 
But does this apply in real life?
For yours truly, YES it does. 
With different people, I adopt a different personality. To 'fit in', as people say. I try to blend into the environment, a human chameleon. 
Why is this so important though? Why do we have to try so hard to adapt in a social environment? Why can't we just be who we really are, instead of struggling to meet society's standards and expectations? It's up to the environment whether they want to accept us as we truly are or not. As long as you're authentic, it's their problem, not yours.

To be the best

To be the best is to show up as your best...when nobody's watching.
People are so addicted to the limelight (whether they know it or not) that everything they do is dedicated to building a personal image and reputation. So many things that once held meaning become hollow and shallow. People are in it just for the fame and name.
Does all this outside work make someone a better person? On the surface, maybe. But as the old saying goes, 'Beauty is skin deep'. So what use is an amazing outer exterior when you have a heart only set on achieving selfish goals to boost a false sense of self esteem?
Because that's exactly what it is. False self esteem that people build up when they are in the eyes of the people. But behind closed doors, they themselves know how unpleasant it can be. Others may envy them, leading such a perfect life...but usually it's these people who have it the worst. So caught up they are in maintaining a good facade that they forget to be who they really are inside.
So to be the best, you have to BE the best, not just act the part.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Yesterday I broke my watch. So I put it away in my bag.
It started bothering me for the rest of the day every time someone asked "What time is it?" or when someone mentioned the time. For example "It's one o'clock." So I check my wrist to find that there is NO WATCH there. 
We're told time is an illusion. We as human beings do not move through time. Time moves through us. ( Yeah, it might sound a bit complicated). The definition of time is created by us human beings. 
But that doesn't mean it's not important to be on time. 
If you're late for something, it shows your arrogance (everyone will wait for me), lack of efficiency in work. etcetera. It's an icon of the negative side of you, showing disrespect for the punctual people.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Why War?

Today we went to Cu Chi tunnels in Ho Chi Minh City. We got to see a lot of old weapons and traps- those Vietnamese guerillas and soldiers were really stuck in survival mode. They had to be aware of their every step, in case they hit a trap or land mine. There was no compassion or sympathy for the opponents-their only goal was to get rid of the enemy. In the documentary we watched, they even had a schoolgirl in their troops! Although she was weak, she told the other soldiers that she could go wherever they could go. They lived in underground tunnels for 20 years! The whole group of us went through a tunnel for, what, 10 minutes and came out sweating and panting. Imagine 20 YEARS in those tunnels! They had to cook their meals really early in the morning so that the smoke from their cooking could be disguised as morning mist. It was interesting, trying to figure out their strategy and how heir history fitted into their culture nowadays. It gave me a deep sense of appreciation of the era I live in, and a greater sense of urgency to do something before the human race loses the war against itself. It's an internal war we are fighting, and I am not just talking about health problems. The emotional side of humans is hardening and soon we may well be like those soldiers, watching an enemy soldier stabbed in the gut with sharpened bamboo, expressionless and cold hearted. That brings us to another lesson where we have to be more human in order to not be replaced by robots, because that is in the near future, possibly this lifetime. But that is a story for another post. Stay tuned, and give it a thought-Why war?


Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu
When someone smiled at me today I started smiling too
I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin
When he smiled I realized I'd passed it on to him
I thought about that smile then I realized it's worth
A single smile like mine could travel round the earth
So if you feel a smile begin don't leave it undetected
Quickly spread this epidemic and get the world infected!