Thursday, September 30, 2010

Focus on what you have...

If you miss the vacation of a lifetime to go to a super important school thing, what would you think?
Possibly: "Aw maaaan! Why do I have so much bad luck? I was looking forward to that vacation and now I have to do stuff for SCHOOL? How is this happening? I should go on the vacation,cut school..." You'd probably be thinking much more than just that, but I don't want to waste too much time on that part. :P
    So, how do you get yourself out of your 'misery'? it may be very hard, but it's worth a try: 
    First, forget why you are unhappy. Once you've got THAT out of your mind, it's like "Phew! What a weight off my shoulders!" 
   Then,remember why you are going to do the 'other' stuff that is interfering with your plans. Is it for a good cause? Imagine the lives that will be touched through this action. Is it for a project? Imagine how satisfied your teacher will feel when she sees your work. Anyway, think of the POSITIVE side of things. 
   Once you're cheered up, get going and leave all that negativity behind, please. The universe will clean up after you. :P

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Am I really THAT Good?

Last Sunday was the closing ceremony of the motivational camp my school had held. Actually there are lots of lessons I learned that can be shared, but this one was the one that touched me the most.
  The camp started on Saturday and ended on a rainy Sunday afternoon. Along with the closing ceremony was a prize giving ceremony as well. Prizes were given to the best team in the five teams there were, and then The Best Male Camper there, and lastly The Best Female Camper. Sure, everyone wanted to get the Best Team prize, and I did too, seeing as I was the leader of one of the teams. But we didn't get it unfortunately.  Of course, that means more things to be reflected on, what are the flaws in my leadership?

Then they gave out the prize to the best male camper, assuming the reason was his team spirit and dance talents. Then they were going to give the prize out for the best female camper. I thought it was going to the captain of the winning Team, and it appears their team thought so too. Getting the Best Team prize had obviously boosted their ego, and they were shamelessly chanting that their team captain would get the prize. But I also silently thought it was her. Then as the chanting for the other girl died down, I heard another friends were calling out my name. I felt that everyone believed in me so much, and I sent them my thanks. But even then, I still didn't believe it would be me. I mean, there were 200 campers there. How big were the chances? Not very.

But when the emcee announced the winner, I still couldn't believe it. My mouth dropped open and my feet dragged me onto the stage. As I headed back to my place, everyone was like: I told you so!!!!

Well, up till now, I still don't believe it!

But thank you to everyone who believes in me, possibly more than I believe myself!