Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Believing is Achieving

Seeing is believing...what's with that quote?
You can't see air, yet you believe it is there. Well, you say that's because there's proof.
You can't see love, yet you know it is there. Why? 
The blind can't see, yet they know they are walking on solid ground. How is this happening?
According to belief, seeing is believing. But did you know that believing is achieving?
Once you start to FULLY believe in something, even if it is a theory, a feeling, or even a hunch, you have officially achieved a level of trust in that object. And remember that thing about believing in yourself?
 Believe in yourself, and you will at the very least achieve self confidence. Simple? That's just talking the talk. Walking the walk is way harder.(Unless you can't talk, then walking is easier) 
If you fully intend to believe in something, you have to let yourself be vulnerable. Put that titanium wall of ego down for a minute and just BELIEVE that what you are doing is right. See if that helps.

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