Tuesday, September 20, 2011


There are some things in life that we would not sell for any price.
For me, those things are:
a) family
b) friends
c) shared moments

That basically sums it up.

Family is really important to me because, well, it makes a person complete. A family gives me the love and happiness that is really really hard to find somewhere else. And my family also plays an important role in b) and c). My family members are my closest friends. And they are the ones I have the most memories/shared experiences with. Even though we're just a band of 5, the difference we can make is unlimited. :)

Next up is friends. Friends for me are people with whom you can relate to. Because sometimes, it seems like your family is too different than you. So of course, the next best thing is someone(s) who have something in common with you. And for me, one of the best things about having different friends is that you get to try out different personalities, if you know what I mean.

Moments...I have cherished and treasured these as long as I can remember. I can remember lots of stuff that others can only faintly recall, and those moments keep me going whenever I feel uninspired. Those moments remind me that life is awesome.

One moment I would not trade:
Today at school the Interact Club had a sale. At the same time, there was a committee meeting going on. I really really wanted to be in the meeting, because I had tons of ideas. But the president assigned me to help out with the food sale, and this fact made me grouchy for about half the morning. What a waste of a day!
After school, when I was monitoring the ice-cream section, a pudgy primary school kid wandered up to the fridge.
He was staring so intently at the flavors, clutching two ringgit notes. What happened next was truly unforgettable. Here's how the conversation went-

Kid: Uncle...
Me: (thinking-is he talking to me??)
Kid: (looks at me) Auntie...how much is one scoop of ice cream?
Me: Oh, um...RM 1.50, and two scoops is RM2.

There was laughter all around the stall, and one of the older kids called me 'Auntie'. I didn't feel offended...in fact, I think I'll be going back to running the sale tomorrow. And I'll tell all the little kids to call me 'Auntie' Hahaha! I really admire that kid's effort to be polite!

One of the other committee members told me how fun the meeting was...I still wish I'd been there, but I think that I wouldn't have exchanged that moment for ANYTHING.

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