Thursday, February 18, 2010

Say NO to Negative Thoughts!
Being negative was never a good thing. But do you know how much it effects you?
A negative thought, action or word can trigger a chain reaction which makes the energy spiral down, down, down until someone stops it.
Imagine for a moment: Tasha is quarreling with her younger brother Terence. Tasha tells on him to her mom. Her mom is already so stressed, what with all the pressure at work, that she yells at Tasha. Then, Tasha storms back to Terence and tells him off, like, this-is-all-your-fault or whatever. Then dad comes home from a s-t-r-e-s-s-f-u-l day at work, and he is in a very bad temper. Their mom, too caught up in problems of her own, is ranting about all the things that happened today, including the fact that young Terence was called to the principals office. This causes Terence to protest, and Tasha is jeering at him. Their dad has enough of this rubbish, and decides to go into the room. In the end, what could be a pleasant dinner is ruined by this terrible energy.
Now, let's rewind. Tasha could have chosen not to quarrel with Terence and sort it out nicely. Or if not, she could have given in to him like a big sister should do. Or if her mom could be more compassionate and see things from her kid's point of view, they would be happy. Or the children could show more consideration to mom. There are so many choices they could make to result in a happy ending.
We have many chances to make choices to change, but the only thing standing in the way is our ego. The best way is to slowly calm down, in the meanwhile pushing the ego down slowly, and then give in or just step out of the conversation. That could save us a lot of trouble. In fact, it could change your environment! Take action now!!! :)
PS* does anyone have problems at home or at school? Tell us your problem, and I'll post it on the Blog, and everyone can comment on your problem. Who knows, maybe you could find a solution to the problem from one of our little teachers!

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