Friday, March 26, 2010

Time Flies!!!

Time Flies!!!
Doesn't it seem that just the other day you were doing this...
And now you're doing that?

Time flies if we're unaware and not living in the present.
How do we stop time flying? Take the batteries out of the clock? Yeah, right.
We can't stop time. The most we can do is make full use of it. It would REALLY be a waste if we let our life flow through our fingers just like that...
What can you do to make a difference in this life? It may be too boring now, but staying boring doesn't all.
Try to figure out the things you can do which will help this world. Maybe you can get up and do a bit of exercise. Yes, that will help. We need as many healthy Violet people in this world as we can have! I mean, how can you contribute if you're on the verge of collapsing?
Then, we can also stop slouching around and write our journal...This can be a great contribution as well. This could be a piece of history...or a valuable fragment of our era... :D
The conclusion is, lying around just helps time go by faster. So get up and DO something!!! Take action!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nat,
    Well said...I'm also trying my best to take actions every single thanks for yr sharing and reminding everyone to "TAKE ACTIONS" in every little bit of things that we can do...
    Love n Hugs
