Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Braveness and Boldness may seem related to Courage...they are. But the point it, Courage goes way deeper in you.
   Courage affects you physically,mentally,emotionally and spiritually. Every thing we do is related at least a little bit to courage.
   Waking up in the morning and accepting that the day is yours...that's courage.
    Daring to try something new...that's courage
    Being who you are...that's courage too.

   To be courageous, you have to trust the people around you, your environment, but most of all, you must must must trust yourself. And going the other way round, you need to have courage to trust people, too. 

   Courage is daring to come out of your shell, to see the world as it really is. You need to have and open heart, and an open mind. Face the world as it comes with courage.

    Courage is also learning to feel, to see deeper into yourself. It takes courage to face who the authentic you is, whether you like it or not. Admitting you're wrong, that's courage as well. 
    Courage means being willing to stand up for what you feel is right. For example, you could think cruelty to animals is not good. Although people around you disapprove, you still stand up for your beliefs. That is courage.

Courage is being unafraid of facing fear and failure. Courage is always trying again and doing your best.

    Courage may not always roar out loud. Often, courage is the voice at the end of the day that says: I will try again tomorrow.

Remember: Courage is not the absence of fear; but the judgment that there is something more important than it.

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